
The creative team of Alpino Cucina Italiana,invites you to live a unique dining experience, starring the fresh ingredients and the delicious mix of ingredients

It was 1973 when Alpino opened its doors in the neighborhood of Paleo Faliro, claiming deservedly the title of the most historic restaurant of the southern suburbs. Then Alpino's friends, from 2015, acquired a new hangout in the northern suburbs, specifically in Chalandri. The chef, staff and co-workers of the two restaurants are constantly working to spread the delicious secrets of the old time classic and the avante garde cuisine to the world.

Alpino Cucina Italiana Restaurants

Paleo Faliro

The most historic Italian restaurant of the southern suburbs.

alpino cucina italiana

4, Posidonos & Naiadon Avenue


Place of high aesthetics
which exudes
Italian air.

al-pino εστιατόριο χαλανδρίου

66 Papanikoli


The third
Alpino Cucina Italiana restaurant.

al-pino cucina italiana piraeus restaurant

1 Dilaveri Coast, Mikrolimano

Alpino Cucina Italiana restaurant in Chalandri has been distinguished by Ospitalità Italiana to promote Italian gastronomy in Greece!
Ospitalità Italiana is a quality seal recognized by the Italian Government.

The Alpino Cucina Italiana in Chalandri, with respect for the standards of Italian gastronomy, has received the highest honor because:

promote the traditional authentic Italian eating habits in Greece.
contribute to the visibility of Italian gastronomy and hospitality.
strengthen the image of Italian restaurants in Greece.